The World Trade Organization and its predecessors have spurred the growth of international trade and global engagement since the 1940’s. But WTO rules now need to evolve to adjudicate modern and more complex trade frictions. WTO reform has become essential to ensure the continued existence of a rules-based system to organize global trade flows.
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Getting to yes: The e-commerce JSI reaches landmark at the WTO
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Our WTO experts & contributors
Get access to proven experience and fresh thinking in cross-border trade, policy and business. Drawn from a wide range of disciplines and sectors, our experts offer valuable views and opinions on achieving sustainable global trade.
Michael O'Sullivan
Christos Cabolis
Chief Economist, IMD World Competitiveness Center
Henry Gao
Professor of Law, Lee Kong Chian Fellow, Singapore Management University
Areas of expertise
China economic policy
International law
Hinrich Foundation Advisory Board member
John Clarke
Former Director for International Relations at DG Agriculture in the European Commission.
Deborah Elms
Head of Trade Policy, Hinrich Foundation
Areas of expertise
Trade policy
Free trade agreements
Intellectual property rights
Digital trade
Trade and climate
Trade facilitation
Supply chains
Goods, services, customs, investments, MSMEs
Stewart Paterson
Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation
Areas of expertise
Monetary policy
Political economy
Stephen Olson
Former Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation
Areas of expertise
Sustainable trade
Trade negotiations
Free trade agreements
Tariffs & non-tariff barriers
Arindrajit Basu
Research Lead, Centre for Internet & Society, India
John W.H. Denton AO
Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
Keith M. Rockwell
Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation
Areas of expertise
Trade policy
Free trade agreements
Trade negotiations
Damian Raess
Professor of International Political Economy at ESPOL, Catholic University of Lille
Ka Zeng
Distinguished Professor, Director of International and Global Studies, University of Arkansas
Arthur Appleton
Founding Partner of Appleton Luff - International Lawyers and Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University (SAIS Europe)
Tania Voon
Professor, University of Melbourne
Weihuan Zhou
Associate Professor & Director of Research, Faculty of Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney.
Areas of expertise
Trade disputes and remedies
Free trade agreements
China's economic reform
Inu Manak
Fellow for Trade Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
Clete Willems
Partner, Akin Gump
Areas of expertise
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
International trade policy
World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Resolution and Counseling
Simon J. Evenett
Professor of International Trade and Economic Development, University of St Gallen, and Founder, Global Trade Alert
Areas of expertise
International trade policy
National competition law
Economic development
Lauren Kyger
Digital Content Manager, National Committee on US-China Relations
Areas of expertise
US-China trade
Foreign direct investment
Digital trade
Peter Ungphakorn
Former Senior Information Officer, WTO
Gary P. Sampson
Professor in the Practice of International Trade, Melbourne Business School
Andrea Durkin
Former Principal of Sparkplug, LLC and creator of Consensus Learning, LLC
Areas of expertise
US-China relations
Tariffs and trade barriers
Alice Calder
Freelance writer and economist
Areas of expertise
Immigration and international trade
Innovation and entrepreneurship
Economics and culture
Anne Kim
Editor, Washington Monthly, and Author of Abandoned: America’s Lost Youth and the Crisis of Disconnection
Orit Frenkel
President, Frenkel Strategies and Executive Director, American Leadership Initiative
Daniel Ikenson
Director of Policy Research, NDP | Analytics
Scott Miller
Senior Adviser, Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy, CSIS
Alan Wm. Wolff
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)
Michael Unger
Adjunct Fellow, Scholl Chair in International Business, CSIS
Bruce Hirsh
Principal and Founder, Tailwind Global Strategies LLC
Christine McDaniel
Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center