Christine Bliss
President of the Coalition of Services Industries
Christine Bliss is President of the Coalition of Services Industries (CSI).
Prior to joining CSI, she served as the Assistant US Trade Representative (USTR) for Services, Investment, Telecommunication, and E-Commerce. She also served as the lead US negotiator in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Doha Services Negotiations and in the WTO Bilateral Services Accession Negotiations for Russia and Saudi Arabia.
Ms. Bliss oversaw the services and investment negotiations and was co-lead negotiator of the
financial services negotiations in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and was a lead
negotiator for services and financial services in previous US Free Trade Agreement negotiations. She also led the development of USTR’s digital services and investment trade agenda, which included innovative new disciplines on cross-border data flows and local server requirements.
Before joining USTR in 2000, Ms. Bliss was Counsel to the Emergency Committee for American
Trade, an association representing US Fortune 500 firms on international trade, investment, and
tax issues. Ms. Bliss holds a JD from the University of California at Davis and a LLM from
George Washington University.