Journalists from all over the world attend HF briefing event
Published 25 May 2017
On May 23, 2017, the Hinrich Foundation welcomed the East-West Center’s visiting Jefferson Fellows to a special briefing event as a part of their 2017 program on trade, security and strategic relationships in Asia Pacific and the future of the US role.
The Jefferson Fellowship offers journalists from the Asia Pacific and the United States the opportunity to enhance their reporting skills by attending a one-week intensive educational seminar in the US, followed by a two week reporting tour across the Asia Pacific region.
Journalism fellows from over ten different countries—China, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, the US, among others— attended the briefing event in Hong Kong. In addition to the Jefferson Fellows, the Hinrich Foundation also welcomed visiting scholars from the US-Asia Institute to attend the event.
At the briefing event, Hinrich Foundation Research Fellow Stephen Olson first gave a presentation on East Asian regional economic integration. Professor Michael Enright followed by sharing the findings of his groundbreaking analysis of the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on China’s economy, as published in his recently released book, Developing China: The Remarkable Impact of Foreign Direct Investment.
The briefing concluded with a lively question and answer session between the journalists and the experts, as they discussed the future of trade relations in the Asia Pacific.
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