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Ritesh Kumar Singh

Ritesh Kumar Singh

Founder and Chief Economist, Indonomics


Macro economics
Regulatory regimes

Ritesh is a business economist with specialization in investment and trade policy and is the Founder and Chief Economist of the consulting firm Indonomics. He is also a regular contributor to multiple international publications.

He possesses in-depth knowledge of: i) India’s macroeconomic problems & policies; ii) India’s regulatory regime including sectoral investment & trade policy issues, iii) India’s rights & obligations arising out of its bilateral/regional (PTAs/RTAs) and multilateral trade pacts (WTO); (iv) India’s geo-economical equations and Chinese trade regulations & WTO accession protocol. He is also a regular Nikkei Asian Review columnist, and has written for Business Line, Diplomat, ET, and The Huffington Post.

Indonomics focuses on research, writing (op-eds, commentaries, policy briefs, reports and submissions), advisory and advocacy related to India's macro economic environment, it's linkages with regional and global economy, and how it's regulatory (national and sub-national) regime affects domestic and foreign investors, consumers in general. It also do research, writing, advisory and advocacy related to India's rights and obligations arising out of it's membership of WTO, FTAs, BIPAs, tax treaties and other pluri-lateral and multilateral treaties and conventions having implications for doing business in the country.