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The Future of Trade Forum

The Hinrich Foundation is partnering with the Singapore Business Federation to organize the inaugural Future of Trade Forum at Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre on Thursday, 25 July. Sign up here.

Singapore’s inaugural Future of Trade Forum, part of the Singapore Apex Business Summit, builds on the nation’s flagship FTA Day organized in past years as a high-level private-public platform bringing together policymakers, businesses, and other key stakeholders to engage on the challenges facing global trade that affect the competitiveness of businesses in Singapore and the region.

The theme of this year’s Forum, co-sponsored and co-curated by the Hinrich Foundation with the Singapore Business Federation, is: 'End of Business as Usual: Global Trade at a Crossroads'.

The agenda for 25 July features panels on supply chains, global geoeconomic bifurcation, US-China rivalry, sustainability in the age of increasingly extraterritorial trade regulation, challenges in the road to decarbonization, data governance, and the risk of escalating trade wars.

Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong and the International Chamber of Commerce’s Secretary General John Denton will keynote the one-day forum.

Confirmed panelists and moderators include World Trade Organization Deputy Director-General Johanna Hill, Brunswick Group Asia Chief Executive Officer Michaela Browning, Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry Deputy Secretary Jane Lim and Director Fam Wee Wei, PwC Managing Partner Frank Debets, Wilmar International’s Chief Sustainability Officer Jeremy Goon, Pollination Group Managing Director Law Heng Dean, the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada’s Advisor Hafimi Abdul Haadii, the Hinrich Foundation’s Research Fellow Alex Capri, and more.

Others participating in breakout sessions after the panels include UPS, the International Chamber of Commerce, Singapore’s InfoComm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Singapore Customs, Keppel Limited, and PSA Singapore.


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