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Future of the WTO or WTO of the future?

The recently concluded Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) was seen as a make-or-break moment for the organization. Even though WTO members successfully negotiated a package of agreements, considerable work remains. Catch the insights of Hinrich Foundation Senior Research Fellow Stephen Olson and a panel of trade experts in this webinar on the future of the WTO, organized by CUTS International.

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Since the last Ministerial Conference took place nearly five years ago, the WTO has faced enormous strain. After intense negotiations, Members concluded a multilateral agreement on a waiver of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) obligations for Covid-19 vaccines, food security, and e-commerce.

Yet, core issues involving the WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism have yet to be addressed. Challenges related to different economic systems also persist. Plurilateralism is on the rise, as are unilateral government actions. The need for WTO reforms is increasingly urgent.

Join Hinrich Foundation Senior Research Fellow Stephen Olson and a distinguished panel of trade experts to discuss whether proposed reforms at the WTO will succeed and the possible alternative outcomes.

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