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Explaining the drop in global FDI

Featuring four prominent economists, the Center for Strategic and International Studies will be hosting a webinar to launch the latest report from Global Trade Alert. This paper explores the causes of FDI inflows reduction and what governments can do to reverse the trend.

Join the CSIS Economics Program and the Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics for the launch of Advancing sustainable development with FDI: Why policy must be reset, the latest report from Global Trade Alert. This report was sponsored by the Hinrich Foundation.

The paper explores the recent trends of declining foreign direct investment (FDI) flows worldwide. New greenfield investments into developing countries have been particularly hard hit, falling by 57% year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2020. Developing countries in Asia have been more resilient but not entirely spared.

After introductions by Matthew P. Goodman, CSIS Senior Vice President for Economics and Simon Chair in Political Economy, Simon J. Evenett of the University of St. Gallen and founder of the Global Trade Alert will present the key findings of the report, both its general conclusions as well as its implications for how we think about the contribution of international business to tackling pressing global challenges, including China. Mary E. Lovely of the Peterson Institute for International Economics will then provide initial reactions. Finally, Trustee Chair Scott Kennedy will offer his own take and moderate the discussion with the audience.

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