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Making e-payments easier

Published 05 May 2021

The Hinrich Foundation is pleased to have hosted a discussion with the Asian Trade Centre on April 29, featuring four speakers, on the opportunities and challenges of establishing a cross-border e-payment system for small businesses in Asia-Pacific to foster regional growth.

Watch a replay of the webinar below:

Small businesses are dependent on payment systems to reach markets beyond their national borders. This webinar features a panel of digital trade experts to discuss the prospects of cross-border digital payments becoming easier and less costly for the millions of small businesses across Asia. 

Innovations in cross-border payments can foster regional economic development and the growth and resilience of small businesses looking to thrive in the post-Covid era. Yet policymakers largely focus on domestic regulations, thus limiting the potential of cross-border trade.

Are there efforts to transform policies to suit the resource constraints of small businesses? Are small businesses and the private sector in general taking part in the dialogue to make policies more fit for purpose? Do innovations such as digital currencies present solutions for cross-border payments? Are concerns about cybersecurity complicating efforts to balance the need for safe commerce while also allowing flexibility?

These questions and more were discussed by the webinar’s speakers, which included:

  • Dr Deborah Elms, Founder and Executive Director, the Asian Trade Centre;
  • Jeremy Sturchio, Head of Government Engagement and Partnerships, Asia, Pacific, VISA;
  • Chomnab Ho, Founder of Fairweave in Cambodia;
  • Sebastian Cortez-Sanchez, Associate Director, the Asian Trade Centre

This session was moderated by Dini Djalal, Associate Director (Editorial), the Hinrich Foundation.

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