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US-China trade

What you need to know about “Made in China 2025”

Published 28 June 2018

US trade policy toward China under the Trump Administration is heavily focused on addressing the perceived unfairness and competitive disadvantages created by China's industrial policies, chief among them, Made in China 2025. Here's your graphic on the policy's core components.

For two thorough explanations and analyses, we recommend you consult:

  • The Mercator Institute for China Studies paper entitled, Made in China 2025: The making of a high-tech superpower and consequences for industrial countries, and
  • The U.S. Chamber of Commerce paper entitled, Made in China 2025: Global Ambitions Built on Local Protections.

Based on these authors’ works, below is your shortcut graphic on the core components of Made in China 2025. Feel free to share the graphic.

Made in China 2025 Infographic by Durkin for TradeVistas

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Andrea Durkin has returned to public service and no longer serves as an active contributor.

Previously, she was Principal of the trade advisory firm Sparkplug, LLC and the creator of Consensus Learning®, an innovative digital tool for teaching negotiation skills deployed in graduate classrooms, think tank simulations and government training.

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