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Hinrich Foundation Scholar Raksa Chan Vietnamese German University Copy

Raksa Chan




Vietnamese-German University
Binh Duong, Vietnam
MSc in Global Production Engineering & Management, Class of 2020
Co-sponsor: Luen Thai Holdings, Ltd.


Senior Officer
Luen Thai, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

“Humility and confidence in your ability are the most important values to help you gain and achieve success.”

Alumni background

Raksa Chan is Senior Officer at Luen Thai, which manufactures apparel and provides freight forwarding, logistic and system consultancy services. His main responsibilities are production improvement and innovation. Previously, he was an Electrical Transmission Engineer for an internet provider in Cambodia.

He earned a Master of Science in Global Production Engineering & Management at Vietnamese-German University in 2020 through the Luen Thai-Hinrich Global Trade Leader Scholarship. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Institute of Technology in Cambodia.

Personal statement

I study Global Production Engineering and Management (GPEM) at Vietnamese German University (VGU) in the MSc program. Being a Hinrich Foundation scholar has put me on a path toward greater knowledge and understanding of global trade. Beyond academics, I began a new journey and joined the Hinrich family.

As a Cambodian studying in Vietnam it has been at times challenging; one must be self-motivated to succeed. As a student, I have become a man with high ambition, confidence, determination and passion. Of course, studying engineering is not only the factor necessary to become a successful person – management and communication are also important parts of business and society.

My favorite aspect of the GPEM program is working with international students and foreign professors. Sharing working styles, experiences and intellectual achievements with them has made me more comfortable in international environments and expanded my perspective. Cross-cultural courses developed by the Hinrich Foundation have also helped me communicate clearly and efficiently while working with Adidas suppliers such as Suntex.

This opportunity through Hinrich Foundation and Adidas is helping me fulfill my goals. In the future, I will be a professional production engineer with the right management skills to help develop Industry 4.0 in Cambodia.