Educational program: How reporters can use the Hinrich-IMD Sustainable Trade Index 2022
Published 14 February 2023
This educational program developed by The Association of Foreign Press Correspondents (AFPC-USA) in partnership with the Hinrich Foundation, provided foreign correspondents with the opportunity to learn from two experts, Steve Olson and Christos Cabolis about the Sustainable Trade Index, its policy implications, and use for reporters.
Watch the webinar:
The Hinrich-IMD Sustainable Trade Index is a powerful tool that measures the readiness and capacity of 30 economies across 70 indicators under economic, societal, and environmental pillars, to participate in international trade sustainably. Designed for researchers, policymakers, educators, business executives, and other interested stakeholders, the index acts as a springboard for discussions on the economic, social, legal, historic, and geopolitical dynamics driving global trade. This program highlighted how the index could be a useful tool for journalists reporting on trade issues.
Catch up on this discussion organized by the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents (AFPC-USA) and the Hinrich Foundation to learn about the economic and geographic coverage of the index and its usefulness as a reporting tool. The webinar was moderated by Patricia Vasconcellos, the U.S. correspondent for Brazilian TV network SBT, and it featured Christos Cabolis, Chief Economist at the IMD World Competitiveness Center, and Stephen Olson, Senior Research Fellow, Hinrich Foundation.
Christos Cabolis gave a comprehensive description of the Sustainable Trade Index, highlighting geographic and indicator coverage and providing examples to foster a better understanding of the index. He mentioned that the 30 economies covered in the index capture about 69% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) and about 63% of the global population and comprise both developing and developed economies. He also discussed key indicators under each of the three pillars.
Stephen Olson highlighted some topics that journalists might find useful while analyzing the Sustainable Trade Index. Olson said that the STI provides a unique prism to assess in a more holistic way how different countries are approaching international trade. “We are not only looking into the economic aspects, which countries are getting rich through international trade but we are also looking at the societal and environmental aspects of the way they engage in international trade.”
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